What's New with Octopus

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DC/DC Converters for Forklifts and Industrial Trucks

Forklifts are indispensable in modern industry. They are used worldwide in various industrial sectors, from factory halls and outdoor environments to ports. These versatile vehicles require robust and reliable components to function effectively in different climates and under harsh conditions.

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Li-Ion DC/DC battery charger, E13 approval

DC/DC converters are crucial in modern vehicle technology, serving as vital components for the efficient management of power supply across various electrical systems.

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DC/DC Converter with up to 99% efficiency

DC/DC converters with up to 99% efficiency, without power derating and 1000W power. In the world of electronics, energy efficiency is playing an increasingly important role. With rising demands for performance and miniaturization, it is becoming increasingly difficult to minimize losses in systems.

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DC/DC Converters without Derating: Full Power at High Temperatures

DC/DC converters are essential components in many applications to maintain constant voltage. However, in many applications, there is a power loss (derating) at high ambient temperatures. This can affect the reliability and efficiency of the system.
Our DC/DC converters deliver full power up to a case temperature of 85 degrees Celsius and offer the perfect solution to this problem.

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